Sunday, October 5, 2008

If I want to create my own Web site, what do I have to do?

The best thing about the Web is the fact that anyone with an idea can create a Web site practically for free. A simple Web site costs about $1 a day to operate. That means that there are millions of different ideas out there being tried every day. Web sites broadcast to a gigantic world-wide audience instantly -- at no other time in the history of the world has a single human being been able to reach so many people for so little money.
So let's say that you have an idea for a Web site. What do you need to do to get started? There are a couple different levels for your idea to be operating on. Let's take a look at them.
Let's say that you have an idea for a Web site, and you have a cool domain name that you want to use. You aren't sure when you will be able to get started on the site itself, but you want to make sure that nobody else gets the idea and takes that domain name. For example, let's say that your domain name is What you want to do is check the domain name registry and make sure it's not already taken. If it is available, you want to register that domain name (also known as "reserving" or "parking" the domain name). Registering the name gives you ownership of it. In order for you to park the domain name, it has to actually live on a server somewhere. It will usually have some sort of "Under Construction" notice that shows up when people try to access that domain name.
You need to register your domain name. There are many companies that will park your domain name on a server, and a number of them charge a fee. Verio is one of the companies that will park your domain name, and it provides a nice form that makes it easy to check for domain name availability. It only takes a couple of minutes to check and reserve a domain name.
Let's say that you have an idea for a content site and you want to get started right away. A content site is a site that contains information for people to read or look at. The information might be words, pictures, links, etc. Yahoo! is essentially a gigantic content site. To create a content site, you need to learn HTML so you can create your pages, and then you need to find a company to host the site. That is, you need a company that will operate the Web server for your site:
Learn about HTML and Web pages
Learn about companies that can host your web site
Or maybe you have an idea for an e-commerce site. An e-commerce site lets you display the things you want to sell, take orders, process credit cards, etc. An e-commerce site is a bit more involved to set up because you have to apply for a merchant account and other commerce-related services. However, it's not that much trouble.
Good luck creating your new site!


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Web Hosting: What Does a Host Do?

When you think of a host you may think of a smiling man or woman greeting you at the door and handing you a cool beverage. Or, you may think of a body that supports another parasitic one. Your relationship with your Web site host is kind of a symbiotic combination of the two. You depend on them and they depend on you -- and it can be good, or it can be bad. The thing to remember as you plan and build your online business, is that your Web host is a very important part of it. Bad customer service and support when problems arise (which they probably will at some point) can cost you a lot of money in lost sales and bad first impressions for the visitors arriving at your site while the problem persists. So make sure you get all of the facts about the host you choose for your business.
A Web host leases space for your Web files on their server, which has a direct connection to the Internet. You can either choose a Virtual Web Host who will allow you to use your own domain name, or a Non-Virtual Web Host who will give you a subdomain name that uses their primary domain name. For example, with a non-virtual Web host, your Web address might be There are some non-virtual Web hosts, however, that will let you use your own primary domain name, so be sure to ask.
The good thing about non-virtual Web hosting is that it is usually free. Many times the ISP who provides you with your Internet connection and e-mail address will also give you 5-10 MB of free space for a Web site along with a handful of simple tools for creating a Web site and uploading your files. While this might be great for your family or personal Web site, you probably don't want to use it for a business.
Some of the downside issues with non-virtual Web hosts are that the tools and capabilities are usually limited. Many of these hosts limit the types of CGI scripts you can use to their own pre-installed scripts for things like guest books, processing e-mail forms, etc. In other words, you may not be able to have an e-commerce site on a non-virtual site. You may also have to have advertisements on your site that you may not want. And finally, your Web address will not be easy for your customers to remember, and won't make your business appear to be very stable or legitimate.
Virtual Web hosting will typically provide a faster and more reliable connection, better management tools, support for higher level functions, and will range in price from about $10-$50 and on up for more complicated sites.
It is also possible to host your own site although, unless you know how to do it and have a good dedicated connection to the Internet, I don't recommend it for a new online business venture.

Cheap Web Hosting

Reliability is the bedrock cheap web hosting services that are of good quality. Any cheap web hosting sevice that is not reliable should never be patronized. Getting an easy-to-remember domain name is a vital part of getting traffic to your site. Your adsense money is sure, you can use is it in e-book selling....thereby raking in you millions month after month. Follow the link below to get a memorable, personalized and cheap webhosting service and domain name--as well as URL Forwarding, E-Mail Fowarding, and other helpful online services--at an affordable price. Reliable cheap web hosting services will have the following features included in their web hosting packages:
* Reliable servers: Cheap web hosting services that are reliable have good servers. These servers will be up and running almost through out the whole year. This means that your website will be available online most of the time.
* Technical support: Cheap web hosting services that provide quality services will always have a way of allowing their customers get in touch with them. This kind of customer support would be a real one. Customers should be able to get in touch with quality cheap web hosting services via the phone or email or both. They will also have the ability to respond promptly to requests.

By Raphael Ekpenyong

How to Find Cheap Web Hosting Services?

Web hosting refers to an Internet hosting service that offers online systems to different users for storing any kind of information like video, images etc. It’s not so difficult to find these services at cheap rates but there are certain things that should be keep in mind while looking for cheap web hosting services. You can easily find cheap web hosting service provider with careful research.
Users should find the best as well as cheap service provider that satisfies their requirements. You should perform some extra research at the time of selecting cheap web hosting services. Sometimes web hosting companies offer inferior services at cheap rates so be careful at the time of choosing cheap web services provider. You should check company’s background or previous records and verify that whether the company is reputable or not.
Determine the levels of support while choosing cheap web hosting services. You should determine whether you’re comfortable with the service area support or not. Cheap web hosting service provider normally offers services at cheap rates because they are not responsible for the maintenance of their own server equipment. Sometimes they provide dedicated server via another web host thats why another web hosting company maintain server.
You should also check whether the service provider offers as much disk space as you want. Be sure that the chosen cheap web hosting service provider would meet your expectations. In today’s competitive market there are so many providers that are providing the best services at cheap rates.

By Jagpal Bains


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